Top 10 Oldest Tree In The World (Updated)

Oldest Tree In The World:- Sri Lanka celebrates the National Tree Planting Day on October 20. In fact, there are also other dates that tree planting day is being done in some countries like Australia, Cambodia, Costa Rica, Iran, Kenya, Malawi, New Zealand, Portugal, United States, Venezuela, and others.

It is generally referred to as Arbor Day since the word Arbor is a Latin word which means trees, and all nations are encouraged to plant trees and care for them.

This activity is long-held done since 1872 of April 10 despite that there are different occasions or events that it’s being celebrated in various countries worldwide, which was set in based on climate and geographical locations to plant trees.

This is an on-going reminder to all people to make preservation of trees, stop cutting-trees, and continuously support the growing need to plant trees in all places to preserve not just the land, but the lives of the people.

Among the benefits that trees give are its serves as a shield against the greenhouse effect, it cleanses the air, primary source of oxygen, conserves energy, saves water, prevents any forms of pollution, provides food, and all other known advantages for the profit of human life.

And in this article, we will discuss the top 10 oldest trees in the world. They are living witnesses on how they have seen changes, and how they become part of the history from one generation to this current era.

Know the approximate time of their existence, and its valuable contribution to the world. Some of the trees listed on this list are already destroyed and no longer exist, but they are considered the oldest trees are tracing back to the details of the history.

Nonetheless, the benefits that they gave to the place and to the country where they were found living were remarkable, and it cannot be eradicated from the pages of history.

This list signifies the celebration and respect to mother earth, and most notably how it has sustained the environment and people for decades, and even centuries.

Other trees have been examined and also cited as one of the oldest trees in the world like the 3,000-year-old Alyshun tree, the 2,000- year old Old Chestnut, the 2,300-year-old General Sherman, and even the 2,170 years old Jhomunsugi tree which seem to age at 7,200-year old and not 2,170 years.

Oldest Tree In The World

10. The Patriarch – 3,000 years


This is one of the oldest trees in the world, which is also known as The Patriarca da Foresta or the Patriarch of the Forest which is found in Brazil. In fact, it is the oldest tree living in the country, and it’s in Santa Rita do Passa Quatro, which is in the National Park Vassunuga. This is one of the most finest and preserved trees in the Southern area of America.

9. Jardine Juniper – 3,200


This tree was a discovery of Maurice Blood Linford in 1923 while she was studying at Utah State Agricultural College. It is actually under the Juniperus scopulorum species, which is usually found in Cache National Forest.

It stands 40 feet tall, and its circumference measurement is 7.21 meters or 284 inches. If you would want to reach the exact place where Jardine Juniper tree is located, you’ll have to travel about 9 miles trip to reach it since it’s situated within Logan Canyon.

While trudging the path towards the tree, you’ll fall in love with the scenery of the place. According to history, its existence began during the life of the early pioneers who entered in Cache Valley. People love to visit the tree during the summer season while taking a hike.

8. The Senator – 3,400 – 3500


It was destroyed because of fire that occurred in Seminole County, but The Senator is still included on this list of the oldest trees in the world. It stands 125 feet tall, which is equivalent to 38m, and it’s found at the Big Tree Park in Longwood, Florida.

It has served as the main landmark of people who are living within Central Florida. Despite the partial damage that it received in the 1925 hurricane, it has lived more years since it has only affected its original height of 165 feet or 50m.

Its name was derived from the Senator who donated the tree, Senator Moses Overstreet of Florida State. This is not just one of the most giant trees in the world, but it is also the most massive pond cypress in the United States.

7. Alerce – 3, 500


Visitors who want to see the Alerce Tree have been enjoying their trek on the way to the actual location where you could have a real glance of the oldest tree in Chile.

It’s considered a miracle because the land where the tree is found has been untouched for the last 3,500 years, which has preserved the natural surroundings from any attempt of modern development.

It has maintained its natural color green, and its bark chestnut color. The wood of the tree is impermeable, reddish, soft, and light. Among other similar trees living were utilized to build houses, aircraft, and overseas boats based on the history since the wood of the Alerce tree never gets rotten.

Moreover, information about the Alerce tree that it only grows every 15 years, and the fact that this specific tree has been in existence for 3,500 years is indeed a miracle.

6. Elia Bouybon, Olive Tree of Vouves – 3500-4000 years


This tree has been canonically included in most of the scriptural accounts in the New Testament part of the Bible as to the ministry, and parables shared by the great Rabbi in the world. In fact, this is the oldest olive tree living in the world.

According to the scientist of the University of Crete that it is 15 thick from the base, and it approximately exists for about 3,500 to 4,000 years old.

There are 20,000 visitors of the tree which is located in Ano Vouves in Crete. In fact, would you believe that it still produces olive fruits despite its age?

It’s known for its hardwood and a fire-resistant character. This is one of the reasons why it has maintained growing and living even up until this era because of its natural strength that does not need any fortification after all these years.

5. Llangernyw Yew – 4,000


It is also known as Taxus Baccata, which is found in the village of Llangernyw in North Wales, and its approximate age is actually between 4,000 to 5,000 years old.

It’s a belief that it has been living since the Prehistoric Bronze Age. In fact, despite the observations that some of it leaves are falling-off already, but it’s still growing, thriving, and becoming healthier despite its age.

It was declared as part of the 50 Great British Trees by Queen Elizabeth II since it’s included in the National Heritage of the country. Another unique characteristic of the tree is its three main trunks that split-off in different directions, which becomes one of the unique features that visitors look upon.

4. Sarv-e-Abarkooh – 4,000

Sarv-e-Abarkooh Tree

It is one of the unique tourist attractions in Iran, aside from the spiritual realms and beliefs that people have to this tree. They have high respect for the tree since its record of existence is about 4,000 years already.

It becomes a part of their culture, history, and has symbolic meaning to their life. It is highly protected and preserved by the Cultural Heritage Organization of Iran, which becomes monumental to its citizens.

It stands 25 meters while its circumference is about 18 meters. It is also known as Zoroastrian Sarv, which is precisely located in Abarkuh in Yazd, Iran. It is the oldest living thing in the continent of Asia.

3. Methuselah – 4851 Years


Methuselah, in the bible, is the oldest people, who have ever lived in the world, and in a literal manner, it is also one of the oldest trees in the world, and is ranked number 3.

This is actually a bristle-pine cone which is also known as Methuselah which actually stands on Methuselah Alley in Nevada. In fact, near its area, you could also find the second oldest tree in the world which is the Prometheus tree.

The exact location of the tree has not been revealed because of the Vandalism Acts that aim to protect the tree. Its approximate age is in between 4844 and 4845 years old. It actually grows 9,500 to 9800 feet or 2,900 to 3,00m. The approximate age was done through the sample given by Tom Harlan and Edmund Schulman.

2. Prometheus – 5,000 years Nevada


According to history Prometheus has lived 5,000 years after its demise in 1964 after a foolish permission given to Donald Currey who was a graduating student.

At that time for scientific research, although he had discovered that it’s actually the oldest that everyone was thinking during that time. Like Methuselah, it was growing in Nevada, and it’s one of the tourist spots in the area, but because of the wrong decisions and research, this generation would never be able to see and even touch the tree.

1. Sunland Baobab – 6,000 years


This is the oldest tree in the world that exists for about 6,000 years in the Northern Province of South Africa. It is a kind of Baobab which is very popular in South Africa, and in fact, it’s the largest Baobab in the country.

It is also called as Mooketsi Baobab, Portland Baobab, Big Baobab, Pub Tree, and Tree Bar. It is specifically located in Sunland Farm in Limpopo Province.

It became popular because of its hollowed trunk, and a wine cellar built inside. Moreover, there were fragments of carbon that seem to believe that there were a series of fires that happened from in 1650 AD and last in 1990.

It has the biggest surreal branches, a quaint little pub, and of course, unique flowers. Its height stands about 22 meters and a circumference of 47 meters.

The establishment of pub inside the tree began in 1933, and it even appeared or featured as the front page of the renowned Wall Street Journal. Like any other old trees on this list, there are also different myths and stories concocted by people through ages that have been passed on to this generation.

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