Top 10 Greatest Leaders in History

Greatest Leaders in History:- Throughout history, there have been many great leaders. There have been both men and women who have done away with social conformity and gone on to accomplish amazing things. Leaders are few and far between but when they come, people do-follow. Let’s take a look at the top 10 greatest leaders in history.

Greatest Leaders in History

1. Hitler


Yes, you read this correctly. Despite being the creator of the Nazi party, Hitler was a captivating leader. This isn’t to say that he was the right person because most people would undoubtedly agree that he wasn’t.

However, when it came to leading Germany’s military into forgoing mass genocide, he succeeded. Through his charisma and wit, he managed to brainwash millions of people into believing that it was the Jews fault for all of their country’s problems. While he has done terrible things, he is one of the greatest leaders in history in terms of leading people.

9. Odysseus


If you’ve ever dabbled in Greek mythology, you would know that Odysseus was a very famous Greek king. His achievements during his ruling have been immortalized in history. He was well known for is superb combative skills as well as his cunning ability to lead people.

Odysseus was the person who managed to trick the Trojans by gracefully bating them into accepting a wooden horse as a gift. Little did the Trojans know that the horse was full of Greeks, who were ready to unleash on the city.

8. Caesar


Also referred to as “Augustus”, Caesar was the first emperor of the Roman Empire. He ruled all the way until the day of his assassination on 14 AD. However, during his time at power, he had managed to accomplish a lot. His power was global and his reach was secure.

Although he did make many false promises, as many of Rome’s rulers had done before him, he was quite easily the most powerful ruler of his time. Because of that, he has secured his spot as one of the greatest leaders in history.

7. Alexander the Great


Alexander the Great was known for his smart military tactics and his ability to out maneuver the enemy at any moment. Because of this, he has been remembered as one of the most powerful and effective military rulers of all time. He was definitely the most successful as well.

He managed to conquer entire cities, even when his army was outmatched. Sometimes, the cities would surrender without one person being killed. Alexander the Great was a natural-born leader who will be remembered for a long time.

6. Joseph II


Joseph II was a ruler who ruled the Holy Roman Empire from 1765 to 1790. During this time, he became known as one of history’s most unselfish leaders of all time. For quite some time, there was a stereotype associated with rulers- and that was that people in power eventually become corrupt. But through his many years, he managed to abolish slavery and accomplish many great things without turning over to the dark side.

5. Genghis Khan


Most people know who Genghis Khan was and at the very least, have heard about him. He was a very brutal leader who controlled many powerful forces and successfully conquered many enemies during his time.

Khan had a very tricky mind and could develop military strategies that would send enemies running for the hills. During his time of following, he managed to conquer and defeat many of the nomadic tribes that had inhabited Asia during that time.

4. Queen Elizabeth I


Queen Elizabeth the first was the ruler of Ireland and Queen of England until the day of her death. She initially began her ruling in 1558. She was referred to by many names with one of the more common ones being “Virgin Queen”. The reason she was called this is that she always felt as though she never needed a King to rule, and never got one as well.

She set the standard for female rulers during her time and she is quite easily the most successful female rulers of all time. Her reign was legendary and she did a better job than many of the male successors after her.

3. Charlemagne


Charlemagne was a ruler and the King of the Franks. He ruled here starting in 768 and did so until his passing. He had a very proven and successfully tracks record as a king and sits very high on the list of accomplishments that most other rulers compare themselves to.

During his time as a ruler, he had managed to establish a very powerful Frankish Empire by united all of the Frankish kingdoms during that time.

2. Napoleon


Napoleon was one of the better known leaders of all time and also the cockiest. He was very established in both the political and military realm and had very heavy influence on European nations during his time as ruler. Basically, he dominated by force.

He would use outstanding military tactics to outwit enemies and bring them down. But that is not only what he was known for. What a lot of people don’t realize about Napoleon was that he managed to create all of the foundations that make up today’s administrative and judicial codes of Western Europe. He will be remembered as one of the greatest leaders of all time.

1. Abraham Lincoln


Abraham Lincoln commonly referred to as “Honest Abe”, was the 16th president of the United States. During his time as the country’s leader, he had one great struggle to deal with: leading people through the Civil War.

He managed to preserve the union and keep the United States from developing into two separate countries. Lincoln also abolished slavery by signing the Emancipation Proclamation.

Everything he did was for the good of the people and not only is he considered the greatest American president ever, but he is also considered the greatest leader in history by most people’s standards.

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