Top 25 Endangered Animal Species Across World

Endangered Animal Species:- As we all know with the drastic changes in the climate we are facing so many disasters across the world.

Due to the same changes, we are losing many animal species across the world which are now classified under endangered animal species by the IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature.

IUCN is involved in data gathering and analysis, research, field projects, advocacy, and education.

Here in the article below, we will be sharing 10 such species which are classified as endangered animal species across the globe by IUCN.

Top 10 Endangered Animal Species

1. Asian Elephant

Asian Elephant

Asian elephant was classified under engendered animal species since 1986 by IUCN.

They are endangered because of loss of habitat, poaching, and habitat degradation. These species are mainly distributed in South East Asia from India and Nepal in the west to Borneo in the east.

The average height of females is 7.9 ft. and weighs 3.5 tons or more whereas the average height of male Asian elephants is 9 ft. and weighs 4 tons or more. We can help save this endangered animal by not buying Ivory Products.

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2. African wild dog

African wild dog

African wild dogs are also one of the endangered animal species as classified by IUCN and many other animal welfare organizations like AWF – African Wildlife Foundation

They once roamed across the continent and were mostly found in savanna and arid zones and were also seen in woodland and mountainous habitats where their prey lives.

No two wild dogs are marked exactly the same which makes them easy to differentiate and identify. They are also called African painted dogs as they have colorful, patchy coats; large bat-like ears, and a bushy tail with a white tip.

They are mainly threatened now because of the shrinking space to roam in their African home and to diseases that are spread by domestic animals.

Most of them have also been shot and poisoned by farmers who blame African Wild Dogs when a leopard or hyena kills their livestock. There are only about 5000-6000 African doges left making it one of the most endangered animal species.

3. Snow Leopard

Snow Leopard

Snow leopards have lived in some of the harshest conditions on the planet. They have a powerful build that allows them to scale to great steep slopes with ease in the Rocky Mountains of Central Asia.

Their long tail provides balance and agility as well as when they are resting it protects them from cold.

Earlier when mountains were rich with prey like Argali wild sheep, Ibex, Pikas, Hares, and Blue Sheep these magnificent cats were king of mountains.

They are mainly found in 12 countries including China, Nepal, India, Pakistan, Russia, Mongolia, Bhutan, and Afghanistan and their population is continuously dropping.

The Ukok Plateau natural park provides critical habitat for snow leopards. The main threat to them is Humans. Hunting, habitat loss is the main reason for Snow Leopards to be listed as Endangered Animal Species.

4. Proboscis Monkey

Proboscis Monkey

Probosci’s Monkeys are endangered animal species as classified by IUCN, they are mainly habitants of the Jungles of Borneo which is the third-largest island in the world and is the largest in Asia.

They rarely stray far from the island’s rivers or swamps. They live in organized groups consisting of a dominant male and two to eight females and their offspring. Different groups often come together to sleep near water at night.

They are the world’s most prolific swimmers. They have evolved webbed feet and hands to help them swim faster and leave crocodiles behind which are their main predators.

Probosci’s monkeys mainly survive on a diet of unripe fruits, leaves, and seeds. Their habitat loss is mainly due to the clearing of the region’s rainforests for timber and oil palm plantation and human settlement.

5. Mediterranean Monk Seal

Mediterranean Monk Seal

Mediterranean Monk Seal is highly endangered animal species or we can say endangered marine mammals of all the time as only approximately 700 individuals are alive as of 2016 estimation.

They are very good hunters because of their high speed they prefer hunting in wide-open spaces and they go down up to 500 feet as recorded for hunting and feeding.

Some of them have been observed lifting slabs of rocks in search of prey. Mediterranean monk seals were very friendly and social and used to deliver babies on beaches but since the hunting and killings, they have become very less social and are rarely seen near beaches. These monk seals mainly feed on a variety of fish, octopus, squid, and eels.

To protect the Mediterranean monk seal various countries have created protected areas that have been developed, however, to create protected areas with boundaries is difficult as the present distribution of monk seals is highly discontinuous and distributed.

6. Galapagos Sea Lion

Galapagos Sea Lion

The Galapagos Sea Lion is mainly found in two places Galapagos Islands and Isla de la Plata. They are also endangered animal species as they are only 50000 in number and highly protected.

These sea lions are fun to watch and play with as they are social beings and their sound is similar to that of barking from a dog.

Fisherman in the area usually gets upset as Galapagos Sea Lion consume a whole lot of food, male weighs approx. 500 pounds and female approx. 300 pounds and so is their diet is heavy too. Fisherman feels sea lion makes them harder to earn a decent living.

One of the biggest threats to Galapagos sea lions is due to El Nino – Which is a southern oscillation, means the cycle of warm and cold temperatures as measured by sea surface temperature.

El Nino is accompanied by low air pressure in the eastern Pacific and high air pressure in the western Pacific.

El Nino can result in a large number of Galapagos Seal Lions being killed and females may not want to mate and abandon their offspring.

7. North Atlantic right whale

North Atlantic right whale

The North Atlantic Right Whale is one of the most endangered animal species as classified by IUCN, WWF and much other wildlife protection agencies across the world.

They have a long history of human exploitation for oil extraction from them and beneath them with no signs of recovery despite there are classified endangered animal.

Since 1930, various protection acts have been placed in US and Canada for them. It is believed they weigh up to 80 tons and of about 50 feet (15 meters) in length.

The current population is expected to be around 300-350 individuals and they are believed to live longer than 30 years.

A baleen whale feeds itself while swimming through a swarm of plankton while keeping its mouth open and head slightly above the surface.The major threats to them are from Human in all the possible ways like –

  • Ship collisions – Whales collide with ships and get seriously injured or die.
  • Entanglement in fishing gear – Even though they are large animals, they still get entangled in fishing gear, nets and get injured or die.
  • Habitat degradation – Their living place is now turned into ships traffic area, naval base, oil exploration below the earth surface
  • Contaminants – From ships, industries, Oil extractions
  • Climate and ecosystem change – Biggest factor all across planet earth
  • Noise – From sea vessels, ships, seismic activities can raise stress hormones in whales.

8. Iberian Lynx


The Iberian Lynx is the world’s most endangered animal species. Earlier in 2002, there were less than 100 Iberian Lynx in the world however due to protection acts and conservation now there is approximately 400 individual alive.

The Iberian Lynx eat rabbits, ducks, young deer and partridges. An adult Lynx needs one rabbit a day for food. They are mostly found in Mediterranean forests of Iberian Peninsula.

They have bright yellow, tawny-colored spotted and short fur, a short body, long legs, short tail and a small head with tufted ears.

A major threat is from decreasing food base, car hits and habitat loss and degradation due to infrastructures like roads, dams, and highways.

9. Olive Ridley Sea Turtle

Olive Ridley Sea Turtle

The Olive Ridley Sea Turtle, also known as Pacific Ridley Sea Turtle is a vulnerable animal species as of now, it is not on the list of endangered animals, however, if the same rate of decreasing continues it will soon be an endangered animal. 

These medium-sized turtle species are found in tropical and warm waters, primarily in Pacific and Indian oceans.

These turtles and their cousins Kemps Ridley Turtle are known for their unique mass nesting called Arribada, where thousands of females come together on the same beach to lay eggs.

Though they are in abundance they are still in IUCN red list as very few out of 1000s survive for a long duration.

The cost of Orissa in India, Coasts of Mexico and Costa Rica are largest nesting site, after the eggs begin to hatch in 45-60 days.

Thousands of turtle make their trek towards ocean and while during same they fall prey to jackals, birds, hyenas, fiddler crabs, and feral dogs lurking around, waiting to feed on them.

Olive-Ridleys face serious threats across their route, habitat and nesting beaches due to human and animal hunting.

10. Green Peafowl

Green Peafowl

Green Peafowl is an endangered animal species as classified by IUCN. Green peafowl is a forest bird, nests on the ground laying 3-6 eggs. T

hey are mainly found in southeast Asia including North East India, Myanmar, South China to Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, Peninsular Malaysia and islands of Java.

Hunting and degradation of the quality of habitat as well as poaching are the main threats to this endangered animal species.

They are mainly protected in areas such as Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary in Thailand, Cat Tien National Park in Vietnam, Baluran National Park, Ujung Kulon National Park in Java, Indonesia.

11. Panda Bears

Panda Bears

Most of you have seen Panda Bear in an animated movie. They are lazy in nature and their eyes have a black shade background.

The Panda bear is one of the most lovable types of bears species in the world. The Panda bear species comes in the category of endangered animals. Its diet is bamboo, so the loss of habitat is a major threat.

Without Bamboo and the ability to eat it all day long, Pandas will starve. Chinese wrote about Pandas 3,000 years ago.

They thought Pandas had magical powers against bad doings. Although Chinese Emperors kept Pandas as pets, they were unknown to the Western World until 1869.

12. Red Pandas

Red Pandas

These raccoon-appearing Southern Asian natives, Red Pandas, spend most of their day curled up in rest.

On forested mountain slopes, they eat mainly bamboo supplemented with acorns, roots, berries, lichens, occasionally eggs, and young birds.

Except for time with mother and cub or mates, they are solitary. Slow and lumbering on the ground, red pandas demonstrate remarkable agility in trees.

This endangered species live from 12-14 years reaching body lengths of 50-63 cm, and weights of 4-6 kg.

13. Gorilla


Rather than fearsome aggressive creatures as cinema has depicted, gorillas are shy vegetarians.

They prefer to spend their time quietly and relaxed, leisurely searching for food or peacefully resting under the warm African sun.

Although they are the largest and most powerful of the apes, they only show hostility if endangered or annoyed by standing up and beating their fists against their chest to ward off intruders. Illegal hunting and civilizations endanger gorilla populations.

14. Ring Tailed Lemur

Ring Tailed Lemur

Endangered inhabitants of Madagascar, Ring-tailed lemurs move about trees day or night, yet they spend more time on the ground than other lemurs, moving on all fours.

A grey back, white underparts, a white fox-like face with dark brown eye patches, and distinctive black and white ringed-tail characterize them.

They live in the spiny desert, dry forests, and scrubland and eat 70% fruit supplemented with leaves, bark, sap, and flowers. Their life span is 27 years.

15. Spider Monkey


In lowland rain forests from Mexico to South America, along Amazon coasts, and Andes mountain slopes, spider monkeys live above in forest canopies.

They eat mainly ripe fruit, adding leaves, flowers, seeds, nuts, insects, and eggs to their diet.

They mark their territory with glandular secretions and defend it with screams, barks, and throwing objects.

Endangered for their fur and meat, Spider monkeys are diurnal, non-aggressive and social, but only share habitat with other diurnal monkeys.

16. Pelicans


Notorious for their long scooping beaks, Pelicans gulp water and strain out liquids and eat the aquatic animals.

Depending upon the subspecies, Pelicans will either plunge dive for fish or will group fish by forming lines and herding schools of fish into shallows.

These larger heavier birds are impressive in flight as their contrasting black and white awkwardly presses the sky. Loss of habitat endangers Dalmation of Eurasia and Spot-billed of southeast Asia; they are endangered.

17. Asiatic or Indian Lions


Next added to the list of Interesting facts about Indian Wildlife is the Asiatic Lion. They are the most fearsome creatures in nature, and they are also known as the Indian Lion.

I can’t get enough of seeing this creature’s beautiful mane and influential body. They are suburb killing machines, and it is advised to keep a safe distance from these creatures.

They are only found in Gir National Park, located in Gujarat. Indian Lions are a bit smaller than their African cousins, but they have thicker elbow tufts with a longer tail.

Asiatic Lions are one of the endangered species. That’s why the Indian government has a Conservation plan for them in Gir National Park and announced Lions as a national treasure.

18. Cockatoos


The most emotional of all species, Cockatoos are not good as first pets, as pets for persons who are generally not at home or have small children.

Intelligent and demanding, these birds appear quiet, cuddly, and sweet as babies, but as they mature, they can become displayers and screamers that demand much attention.

However, these birds do bond readily (sometimes known as “Velcro bird”) and, at times, act “as a lap bird” (more doglike than a bird.)

19. Double Yellow Headed Amazon

Double Yellow Headed Amazon

Outgoing, comical, and bold, the Double Yellow Headed Amazon is not only smart and brightly colored but is a great talking bird. Their song ranges from simple nursery rhymes to opera.

Eager to please, they respond well to praise and appreciation, however, their willful nature requires an owner with a strong character.

One of the largest of the Amazon parrots, its natural range is along the Pacific slope of central Mexico to the Yucatan Peninsula.

20. Lilac Crowned Amazon


Lilac Crowned Amazons are very popular as pets, as they are good talkers and great in a family environment.

When raised from a baby they can develop quite a vocabulary, but wild-caught birds are almost impossible to teach to talk. Their beautiful lilac-colored crowns intensify as they get older.

21. Yellow Naped Amazon


Yellow Naped Amazons can be found in Mexico, Latin, and Central America, and the northern regions of South America.

They have distinctive yellow patches on the neck, which can vary in size. Some species do not have them at all. The primary color is green, with occasional yellow markings.

These parrots are very trainable and sociable, and outbreaks of aggression are possible during breeding periods. These birds are among the three most talkative species on earth.

22. African Grey Parrot

African Grey Parrot

African Grey Parrot is one of the best looking african birds species. Like other equatorial birds, African Grey Parrots are used to a warm climate and abundant forests where they can feed upon delicious fruits and vegetables.

In captivity, foods such as mangoes, papaya, cantaloupes, fresh peppers, peanuts, and raspberries; kiwi, pineapple, and star fruit are suitable for your African Grey Parrot.

As a companion, this intelligent bird can learn as many as 1,000 words and combine them to describe his needs like a five-year-old child.

23. Timneh African Grey Parrot

African Grey Timneh

One of 3 African Grey subspecies is the African Grey Timneh. It differs from Congo namely in a smaller size, maroon tail, and bone-colored upper third mandible.

Possessing much the same traits as their Congo cousins, they can talk, cuddle, be playful, and perform; however, some say they are less high-strung.

They diet on seeds, nuts, fruits, berries, nectar, palm oil fruits, and occasionally millet while inhabiting lowland forests, treed savannahs away from humans.

24. Whooping Cranes

Crane bird

Cranes inhabit wetlands and grasslands on all non-polar continents. Their species numbers are diverse with Sandhill Cranes numbering 500,000 to Whooping Cranes numbering 350.

Although they can be dangerously aggressive, a complex system of posturing and vocalization allows rivals to resolve fights before engaging. Other vocalizations are notable like the carefully orchestrated duet among mated pairs.

Cranes fly up to 52 miles per hour at heights as great as 20,000 feet, however, preferably under 5,000 feet.

25. Francolin


This African bird is found primarily in dense bush and woodland across Kenya, Sudan, Ethiopia, western Somalia, Uganda, Tanzania, Mozambique, Angola, and NE South Africa.

The Black Francolin (thought to originate from the Indian subspecies) is more common in North America.

Francolins congregate in pairs or small groups on bare ground preferring to flee from danger on the ground. In captivity, some do well while others do not, partly because so little is known about them.

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