Top 10 Interesting facts about Indian Wildlife

Interesting facts about Indian Wildlife:- India is a broad country, and a lot of its area is covered by forests. Various Varieties of animals and plants are found in these vast forests. So, there is no wonder why Indian wildlife is too rich and diverse?

We all know that the natural world was one of the biggest reasons behind India’s Hindu mythological beliefs and faith. However, animals are critical to the tradition of Incredible India in addition to just devout methods.

These faiths are indeed the backbone of incredible Indian wildlife, and you will be amazed to know these Incredible Indian Wildlife Facts. The article showcase strange facts in regards to the animals of India or Indian wildlife.

Interesting facts about Indian Wildlife

10. Dog Temple – Channapatna, Karnataka


The very first queued in the list of Interesting facts about Indian Wildlife is a small village located in Channapatna’s Ramanagar district.

It has a very incredible but exciting and exceptional temple in honor of our first-rate friend (Dogs). The religious customs, which are known as Pujas, are conducted for searching advantages of the Dog God.


The Dog God is considered to be the same as the other village divinity.

Strangely, all the families in the village worship the Dog God. But that’s the incredible India where anything can happen. Don’t you think so?

9. The Incredible Asiatic or Indian Lions


Next added to the list of Interesting facts about Indian Wildlife is the Asiatic Lion. They are the most fearsome creatures in nature, and they are also known as the Indian Lion.

I can’t get enough of seeing this creature’s beautiful mane and influential body. They are suburb killing machines, and it is advised to keep a safe distance from these creatures.

They are only found in Gir National Park, located in Gujarat. Indian Lions are a bit smaller than their African cousins, but they have thicker elbow tufts with a longer tail.

Asiatic Lions are one of the endangered species. That’s why the Indian government has a Conservation plan for them in Gir National Park and announced Lions as a national treasure.

8. The Incredible Bengal Tigers


Moving forward with the list of Interesting facts about Indian Wildlife. No conversation about the wildlife of India can be completed without discussing the pride of Indian nature, known as Bengal tigers.

Bengal tiger is one of the subspecies of tiger found in the whole Bengal region of the Indian subcontinent.

They are also found in several other nearby Asian countries like Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Tibet, etc. Typically the Bengal Tigers are reddish-brown to rust-brown with black stripes all over the body.

Bengal tigers are also found in white colour, known as the White tiger. The Bengal tiger is the national animal of India and Bangladesh.

They are fantastic and incredible predators and enhance the value of Indian wildlife amazingly.

7. Mongoose And The Cobra’s


The next Interesting facts about Indian Wildlife are about the king cobra. They are one of the most feared and poisoned snakes in the world. At the same time, a full-grown cobra can rise about 6 ft.’s and is high enough to look in the average human eyes.

A total dose of king cobra’s venom is pretty sufficient to kill about 20 people. We can say that the king cobra is an incredible creature of Indian wildlife and a nightmare in India’s wilderness. But this nightmare of nature has also got its enemies.

The mongoose: they look like cute little guys and roughly about the size of a ferret. But they are fantastic predator too. These adorable little guys are too quick, agile, and have the abilities to kill cobras and other snakes without mercy.

They have developed special immunities to the venom in evolution, but mostly they take out the snake without being bitten. They dance from the side of cobra or other snakes, look out of the snake’s way and movements when it strikes; they seize it behind the skull.

These strange creatures are commonly found in India’s incredible wildlife, and they hold their positions in Indian nature.

6. Fearsome Monkey’s


Another added to the list of Interesting facts about Indian Wildlife is Monkeys. They are also considered sacred creatures in India. We can find thousands of monkeys in Indian cities. These creatures are hazardous and responsible for biting passersby and destroying homes or households.

Hordes of monkeys looking for food and ripping off people clothing. The Indian government has started trapping policies for monkeys, but these creatures are too intelligent to fall into the traps.

Even people are being attacked by monkeys daily, but they continue to feed the monkeys. The Hindu law dictates that the monkeys are sacred animals and cannot be euthanized.

And the residents ask the administrative department to take these monkeys to sanctuaries. Right now, this problem has no solution in sight, which is strange.

Top 5 Interesting facts about Indian Wildlife

5. The Goonch – “Indian Catfish”


Further going with the list of Interesting facts about Indian Wildlife. When you think about Catfish, you might become out with an ugly-faced fish, but they hardly attract thoughts of danger. But, in India, everyday things become suddenly incredible, and here is an example of that.

Yes! In the kali river, some giant devil catfishes are found. They are known as “The Goonch”. It is believed that they are responsible for several human deaths.

In Hindu funeral rituals, bodies to be reduced as ash and then interred in rivers, but primarily charred remains are eaten by these catfishes “goonch”.

These catfishes can grow over 150 lbs, also are responsible for the disappearance of swimmers.

While they are not attacking as many sharks, but due to their size, they can grab the average man to be drowned. Well, that is all about fascinating Indian wildlife, and anything can happen there. So, Beware!

4. Drunken Elephants


We know that elephants are intelligent and peaceful animals, but sometimes things go wrong, and we found some weird outcomes.

Here is one of those incidents: In 2012, about 50 elephants had been come out of the jungle. They were attracted to a smell, yes!

They smelled as moonshine-like liquor called (Mahua). They drunked like old alcoholics and finished about 500 litres of the alcohol.

Once their heads are started dancing, they proceeded to a nearby village and spoil dozens of residences in Dumurkota village. That was probably the first-ever case of mass elephant drinking.

Fortunately, nobody got killed, but it became one of the most incredible moments of Indian wildlife.

3. Strange Dog pregnancy Syndrome


In the rural areas of India, one strange phenomenon has to spread up to where the villager thinks, if the dog bites them, they would be pregnant. And pups will start developing in their bellies.

It is a disturbing form of mass hysteria that’s most often occurs in those rural areas because of lack of education.

Victims most often declare that they can feel the puppies are growing inside them, and as they revert to strange behaviour, they start barking. Don’t you think this incredible?

2. The Snakes Land – Shetpal, Maharashtra


Yes, this is an incredible but actual fact of Indian wildlife! A village Known as Shetpal located in Sholapur district (Maharashtra), this is incredibly famous for snake worship.

This village has a rarest and very unique custom which is very frightful. It is just a matter of fact that all houses in this village have a dedicated resting position for Cobras within the rafters of their ceilings.

No cases of snakebites were found in this village, even when snakes are moving freely along every loved one. But if you are scared of snakes, don’t even think about visiting there, and if you dare, think twice. But this is an excellent example of incredible India and the wildlife of India.

1. The Incredible Temple Of Rats – Karni Mata Temple, Rajasthan


A town referred to as Deshnok, 30 km from Bikaner, has a fascinating sight known as the Karni Mata Temple. The house has over 25,000 rats. These rats are known as ‘Kabbas’.

People of the area worship them because they believe that they are reincarnated loved one’s participants of Karni Mata.

White mice are revered much more, considering that they’re considered Karni Mata and her sons. Isn’t it seem strange? But that’s the specialty of incredible India.


India is a country based on ancient religious beliefs, which is one of India’s specialties. 

Indian cultures and traditions are also derived from religious faiths, where most of the animals are sacred, which is necessary to have rich wildlife. 

It doesn’t matter a lot for Indians if things go wrong and lead to dangerous situations.

It is an incredible India where people have their faiths in priority over security, and anything is possible. 

Anyway, as we have looked over the strange diversity in the wildlife of India, there are a lot more things while discussing Indian wildlife. But this list was dedicated to strange or incredible facts in Indian wildlife. 

We have tried our best to provide a good insight into the topic. This is your turn now to decide that we have succeeded in our motto or not.

Few more facts about the incredible wildlife of India

  • There are about 500 Wildlife Sanctuaries, 18 Bio-reserves, and 120 National Parks in India.
  • India has three biodiversity hot spots among the 34 biodiversity hot spots of the world. They are known as – Western Ghats, Eastern Himalayas, and Indo-Burma. You can understand now why India has more prosperous and diverse wildlife.
  • India is one of the Mega-diverse countries, along with 16 more countries. These Mega-diverse countries are known as the home of 60-70% of the world’s diversity.
  • Asian elephants, Asian Lion, Bengal Tiger, Mugger crocodiles, Rhinoceros, etc., are the common animals in Indian wildlife. But, India is a home of about 175 threatened more spices too.
  • India is the heaven for birds too. The variety of birds in India is incredible. Ringed Parrot, Laughing Dove, Green Bee Eater, Koel, Blue Kingfisher, and Indian Roller are some of the common birds.
  • More than 1300 species of birds are found in India, and 42 are endemic.

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