Top 30 Long Haired Cats Breeds

Long Haired Cats:- The popular premise is that longhaired or hirsute felines were brought from Asia to Europe in the 16th century.

Hirsute is a recessive trait for cats. Their wild ancestors were shorthaired; thus, this trait probably was intentionally inbred.

Adapted for cooler temperatures, a hirsute feline may need special attention in summer, but general care doesn’t really differ much from shorthaired cats.

Grooming, perhaps, is a little more challenging to keep the coat looking elegantly managed.

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Long Haired Cats Breeds

Long Haired Cats | From (A to C)

American Curl

American Curl

The American Curl is a new breed that is distinguished by unique ears that curl back in an arc. All American Curls trace their origin back to one cat named, “Shulamith.”

The cat produced two curled-ear kittens in her first litter. It was later determined that this was a genetic trait and the American Curl is now recognized as a native breed of the United States.



It is thought that the Birman Cat originated in Burma. Here it was considered sacred and was the companion of Kittah priests.

The first Birman to leave Burma was sent to France as a gift. This curious cat enjoys the company of their family but is normally not obtrusive when you are busy.



The Burmilla resulted from accidental breeding between a Chinchilla Persian named Sandquist and a lilac Burmese named Faberge. This litter was born in 1981 and the four kittens were the foundation of this breed.

Similar to their Burmese cousins, Burmillas are playful, friendly, and loving. The coat of the Burmilla is light with tips of the hair having a contrasting color.



This breed began when a New York breeder named Jennie Robinson bought a pair of longhaired chocolate cats that had golden eyes.

These two semi-foreign cats produced numerous offspring that all yielded the same coloring. This breed is typically very healthy and sheds very little. Often, people with allergies are able to tolerate the Chantilly-Tiffany.



The Cymric is a tailless cat native to the Isle of Man, an island in the Irish Sea between England and Ireland.

Like its cousin, the Manx, they are among the oldest natural breed of cats. The Cymric is a longhaired version of the Manx cat. This cat is known for its obsession with shiny objects, so keep track of your jewelry.

Long Haired Cats | From (D to H)

Desert Lynx Cat


Desert Lynx Cats have many bobcats in their appearance because their gene pool contains the bobcat gene.

The breed appeared after mixing a bobcat with a domestic cat. These cats possess many features of their wild ancestors, such as ear tufts and neck ruffs, but they have stockier bodies and shorter legs.

They can be reserved with strangers, but very interactive and open with their owners. There are both long-haired and short-haired species.

Domestic Longhair

Long Haired Cats Domestic-Longhair

The domestic longhair, also known as a mixed housecat, or domestic cat, is a mixed long fur breed. These cats are not purebred since either one parent is unknown or non-pedigreed.

Their diversity gives them a distinctive appearance for which they are judged according to color: Solid, Solid and White, Tabby, Tabby and White, Tortoiseshell, Tortoiseshell and White, Shaded, Shaded and White, Pointed and Pointed and White. Their genetic diversity also makes them healthier.

Foldex or Exotic Fold


The Foldex or Exotic Fold breed appeared after crossbreeding of the Scottish Fold with the Exotic Shorthair.

These cats have folded ears, like those of Scottish Folds, which are determined by the same dominant gene. This means, that straight-eared species do occur in litters.

These cats have heavily-boned and well-set bodies, and they have well-rounded heads, which make them look like owls. The Exotic Fold has a mild, sweet, and loving disposition, and it is fairly playful.


Himalayan Cat

Himalayans were developed by breeding Persians to Siamese in the 1930s thus combining the Siamese point coloring with the Persian.

All Himalayans have beautiful deep blue eyes. They are the most popular of all the Persians. This breed makes a gentle, but not inactive pet. The coats of these cats are beautiful, but they do require daily grooming to avoid matting.

Long Haired Cats | From (J to M)

Japanese Bobtail


The Japanese Bobtail originated from domestic cats that came to Japan from China or Korea at least one thousand years ago.

Like a fingerprint, each Japanese Bobtail has a unique tail. No two are alike. This breed is also very talkative and proficient at a wide range of tones. These animals will almost always “talk” when spoken to.

Jungle Lynx

Jungle Lynx

Jungle Lynxes are not recommended for novice owners, as they may be difficult to housetrain and control, but experienced and devoted owners claim these hunters be extremely affectionate and playful.

Since they are carnivores, don’t trust them with pets that would be their natural prey (birds, hamsters, sugar gliders, and other small animals.) Jungle lynx is a hybrid between the Jungle Cat and Bobcat, bred as an exotic pet.



Owning a LaPerm is said to be like owning a dog. These cats descended from barn cats and were founded in Oregon in 1982 by Linda Koehl.

These cats are playful and intelligent and love to show off their athleticism. The LaPerm has curly hair, sheds very little, and requires no grooming.

Maine Coon


The Maine Coon is one of the oldest natural North American breeds and is the official cat of the state of Maine.

This breed is hardy, having originated in the hostile weather conditions of New England.

One myth regarding the Maine Coon is that it developed from matings between cats and raccoons. This breed is people-oriented but does not demand all of your attention.



The Manx is a tailless cat that originated as a working cat that is an extremely dedicated hunter. The Manx is the only cat that has been bred to be tailless.

These cats have mellow and calm personalities but are still loving and sociable. This breed has a distinctive trill that it will use to communicate with its young or respond to its owner.

Mixed Breed Cat


A mixed-breed cat is any cat that has more than one breed in its blood. Mixed breed cats make up more than 99% of the world’s total cat population.

Mixed breeds do have certain advantages over purebreds. Purebred cats or dogs are more prone to genetic problems.

If you adopt a mixed breed you have the benefit of more than one breed in the same animal.



The Munchkin is a short-legged cat breed that had once almost disappeared, but then resurfaced in New England in the 1970s and appeared in Louisiana in the 1980s.

This breed comes in all body types, but all of them have very short legs. Their short legs do not hinder their climbing ability, but their jumping ability is restricted. They have “kitten” personalities that will stay with them for their whole life.

Long Haired Cats | From (N to R)



The Nebelung is the modern version of the longhaired Russian Blue cat. They have a medium-length, blue, silky coat.

The Nebelung is a rare breed that is primarily found in the United States, Russia, Germany, and the Netherlands. These cats make loyal, affectionate companions, though they may be shy around strangers.

Norwegian Forest Cat


The Norwegian Forest cat explored the world with the Vikings and was used to protect the grain stores, both at sea and on land. The breed has amazing bright emerald green eyes that have a band of gold.

During the winter months, the Norwegian Forest cat can have a very impressive coat. It is long and thick and its tail can be fanned to twelve inches or more.

Oriental Longhair


The Oriental Longhair is known by different names in different parts of the world. These cats are the semi-longhaired variety of the Oriental Shorthair. This breed comes in all possibilities of color and pattern.

These creatures enjoy being a part of their owner’s life and will partake in activities such as selecting items from the refrigerator and tying your shoes.


Cat Breeds Persian

The Persian was a highly prized cat during ancient times and is the most popular cat breed today.

This breed has a long elegant coat, a pansy-like face, and sizeable, communicative eyes. This breed tends to be most comfortable in a household that is quiet and serene. The Persian is a responsive breed that has a lovable and gentle personality.



Ann Baker developed the Ragdoll in California in the 1960s. This breed is slow to mature physically.

The coat color of these cats will not become complete until they are two years and they will not reach full size until four years.

The breed loves human contact and will follow you around the house. They are good with dogs, children, and the elderly.

Russian Brown


The Russian Brown is only distinguishable from the Russian Blue by its Tabby coloring.

They are very entertaining cats and will fetch toys, open doors, and will often do their best to cheer up a sad member of the family. This breed will get along with most other pets and children.

Russian White

Russian White

The Russian white is just like the Russian blue, except for coat and eye color. The Russian White has a white coat as its name indicates and they have green eyes.

They are being bred mostly in Australia and in Europe. Slowly, more and more Russian Whites are appearing in the United States.

Long Haired Cats | From (S to T)

Scottish Fold

Scottish Fold

The Scottish Fold is the result of a spontaneous mutation. A Scottish shepherd named William Ross found the first Scottish Fold in 1961 and developed the breed from the original.

All Scottish Folds are born with straight ears and some will fold forward and downward at about three or four weeks of age. This breed has a quiet disposition but enjoys human company.

Siberian Cat


The Siberian Cat is a semi-longhair that is native to Russia. These cats are more common in Asia and Europe but are still fairly rare in the United States.

This breed has a thick triple coat and a full ruff that will get even thicker during the winter.

Its coat is more oily than most and is exceptionally water-resistant. It helps these cats live in the harsh environment of their native land.



The Somali originated when a longhaired gene entered the Abyssinian gene pool. At first, these cats were given away or sold as pets, but in the late 1960s breeders began to intentionally advance this breed.

This breed requires plenty of room to roam and run. They need plenty of individual attention and are often happier with another cat with the same activity level.



A Tiffanie is known as the semi-longhaired variety of the Asian group. This cat should not be confused with the American Tiffany, known as the Chantilly-Tiffany, which is a different breed.

The Tiffanie’s coat is fine and silky, and they have a ruff around their neck and longer fur on their tail. They do make good family pets, as long as you have time to groom their coat daily.

Turkish Angora


The Turkish Angora is a natural breed that is thought to have originated from the Manul cat that was domesticated by the Tartars. Even today, this breed is considered a national treasure in Turkey.

The Turkish Angora is said to be one of the most intelligent cat breeds and it loves its owners. This graceful cat enjoys playing and running.

Turkish Van


This is a rare and ancient breed that was developed in central and southwest Asia. Local residents called them the “Van cat.”

Even in their native land, this breed is still fairly rare. An interesting fact about this breed is that it loves water and has also been nicknamed the “Swimming Cat.”

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