Pomeranian Dog Price in India | Appearance & Behaviour

Pomeranian Dog Price in India:- Pomeranians are tiny toy dogs that fill a room with gusto, energy, and surprises. This dog has many names; among them are Zwergspitz, Dwarf Spitz, Toy German Spitz, Loulou, and Pom.

The Pomeranian has an indelible look that all people register even if they don’t quite know the name of the breed. Most people are familiar with the dog’s common showing of bright orange, gold, cream, or red in their coats.

The dog’s temperament is well suited to a dog of its stature. It often notices things that are off-kilter or a little awry and has a piercing loud bark that alerts owners to problems.

Thus, its watchdog tendencies are amazing. It can be a little proud, stubborn, and cunning, but its energy, intelligence, and happiness around its owner’s presence are remarkable.

Pomeranian Dog Price, Behaviour and Training

Pomeranian Dog Price in India

Pomeranian Dog Price in India

Pomeranians are one of the most adorable dog breeds in India. If you are looking to buy a pomeranian pup, it will cost around 10 to 15 thousand for a general breed and 35 to 40 thousand for a good breed. You can have them at no cost if you want to rescue some old Pomeranians dogs.

  • 6k to 15k INR
  • 40 to 50k INR for good breeds

Pomeranian Characteristics

The Pomeranian measures 7 to 12 inches, weighs 3 to 7 pounds, and it has a lifespan teetering on 15 years at the top and approximately 9 years at the bottom of the range.

Of course, their small size, energetic buoyancy, and distinct appearance are factors that make a pet owner extremely sorrowful when they pass away. 


  • Weight Range – 3 to 7 LBS
  • Height – 10 to 11 Inches
  • Colors – All Patterns & Colors
  • Grooming Needs – Little to Moderate
  • Exercise & Playtime Requirements –  Upto 20 Minutes a Day
  • Highly Energetic
  • Lifespan: 13 to 15 Years
  • Tendency to Drool & Snore – Very Low
  • Barking Tendency – High

Top 10 Cutest Dog Breeds | Most Adorable Dogs (2021)

History Of Pomeranians

History Of Pomeranians

This page is here to enlighten you on the history of Pomeranians. Although the pomeranian has been noted back in almost ancient times there is still no real detailed information on the history of Pomeranians.

It is pretty obvious that just by looking at him, his ancestors were the Spitz, Samoyed, and Norwegian Elkhound as the pomeranian closely resembles these breeds and even more so about 80 years ago.

The Pomeranian dog is believed to have been named because of its origins in Pomerania Germany. He was not always the little lap dog as he is known today.

Back then the pom weighed in at about 30 to 35 lbs and was known to be hard-working dogs. This included pulling sleds and herding sheep. I tend to believe this as Molly is a great herder.

We have a 14-year-old Australian Terrier who is partially sighted and nearly deaf. When we call him and if he doesn’t respond immediately, our pomeranian Molly goes and herds him in for us.

The Pomeranian dog became very popular, especially after Queen Victoria took a liking to them and started to breed and exhibit them.

Her dogs were a lot smaller than the original one that her grandmother Queen Charlotte first brought into the country from Italy in 1767.

This was the start of the pomeranian dog that we know and love to this day. The breed received official Kennel Club recognition in 1870 as the Spitz Dog and then the English Pomeranian Club was formed in 1891.

The first pom in the American Kennel Club was in 1888. Then just a few years later, show entries of Pomeranians in America had reached a high of nearly 200 entries.

So in 1900, the breed received official recognition and the American Pomeranian Club was formed.

The club was affiliated to the American Kennel Club in 1909 and 1911 held its first specialty show in New York which has now become an annual event.

Pomeranian Behaviour

Pomeranian Behaviour

Not just good looks but also the pomeranian behavior will win anyone over to this breed.

These sweet little dogs are not only endearing to us because of how beautiful and fluffy they look, but also because of their typical pomeranian behavior.

Poms are so eager to please. They just want to be loved. You couldn’t find a breed that longed to be patted and cuddled as much as these dogs. This is one of the reasons that they are great for elderly people. 

As much as these adorable dogs love to have fun, and often do until very old, they are happy and contented to do whatever their owners decide. As long as they are by your side they can adapt easily and happily.

They can sense the mood of their owner extremely well and can usually tell if they are sick or unhappy.

If the owner is happy and excited, then so is his pom. If his owner is not well, then he will just stay quiet, by his side.

Because of this wonderful pomeranian behavior, he can adapt to life in an apartment, suburbia, or a rural setting.

These dogs are very happy little creatures and because of their size and character, they can live anywhere.

Although they can be vocal dogs, with the training they only bark when necessary, making it easier to live in apartments.

They are also fabulous for car traveling. Their size and the longing to be near you means they enjoy every bit of being in the car. Because they are naturally inquisitive and alert, they also get lots of enjoyment from looking out the window.

Part of the pomeranian behavior is his loyalty and willingness to protect. His keen hearing and vision will pick up danger or strangers approaching.

The pom will bark loudly enough to alert his owner and shock a stranger. However, he will generally keep his distance while alerting his owner.

Once he knows everything is ok, he will in his own time attempt to be friends with the newcomer.

If your pom does like the new person, which is highly likely, he will be friends for life, even if he doesn’t see that person for a long time.

Poms have very good memories

Poms have very good memories

Another interesting aspect of pomeranian behavior is they are very routine dogs. They have an amazing ability to know when things should happen. I have heard many stories from pom owners about this trait they have.

I know my precious Molly will vocally let me know if her dinner is late or if we are staying up later than normal, she will tell us that we all must go to bed. She sleeps on the end of our bed and will not go without us.

She also knows that we often play a game with her and her teddy after lunch. If we do something else and forget, then she brings a teddy to us and lets us know very loudly that we forgot.

Poms can become very bossy if you let them, so you must train them, to let them know you are the boss or it can get out of hand. I swear that they are human sometimes. My Molly does talk to me in her own way. 

There are different yaps and sounds for different reasons. This is an endearing part of pomeranian behavior.

My whole family loves Molly and she loves them all back 100%. She has been brought up with 2 children who are now young adults and we have never had a problem. Nor did we with my previous pom.

However, if you do have tiny children, please be extra careful as with any dog, they can be unpredictable. Especially toy breeds.

Often, very young children can be rough without meaning to and can hurt or frighten your pom. It is in every dog breeds nature to react back!

Pomeranians are very easy dogs to train and you shouldn’t have a problem with housebreaking them as they are very quick to learn and are extremely intelligent.

Because of this pomeranian behavior, these dogs are now being used as assistant dogs, in particular to deaf people.

They respond quickly to phones ringing or doorbells etc. The pom would have been trained specifically for his new owner and his particular needs.

I know that my Molly hasn’t been trained for those things but because she is so in tune with what goes on in our home, she reacts accordingly.

If our phone rings and we are detained and can’t get to it. She howls because she knows somebody should be answering it.

Most people would probably think that the pomeranian is just a cute fluffy lap dog, but nothing could be further from the truth. The Pomeranian dog is much, much more than that. There are so many interesting attributes to pomeranian behavior.

  • * He’s a great watchdog.
  • * He’s always happy and fun-loving.
  • * Always wants to please.
  • * Very intelligent and easy to train.
  • * Extremely loyal.
  • * Totally devoted and always by your side.
  • * Adaptable to most situations.
  • * Perfect size to take anywhere.
  • * Loves inside and outside.
  • * Loves being a part of the family.

Overall, the pomeranian behavior is a winning attribute. Who wouldn’t want to share their life with one?

Pomeranian Grooming

Pomeranian Grooming

If you own a pom then it is important to know about pomeranian grooming. The first thing people generally notice about a Pomeranian dog is how beautiful it looks.

Apart from its gorgeous fox-like face, it is its fluffy appearance that gets the attention of onlookers.

Often you hear comments like “Look at that little ball of fluff”, or “Doesn’t it look like a powder puff?”

Then come the questions or statements of “She’s so cute but it must be so hard to look after her with all that fur”, or “I’d love to have a dog like that but pomeranian grooming would be so much work.

This is far from the truth. Your pomeranian grooming is really not that much work especially if you are not showing your dog.

If you are showing your pom, then you will already have purchased your dog from a reputable show breeder and your dog will have come from a very good line which should have entailed it with an excellent coat to start with.

So, you would then have to put a lot of work into your pomeranian grooming to keep it looking in show condition.

The pom coat should be double-coated, a short, soft, thick undercoat, with a longer coarse glistening outer coat consisting of guard hairs that must be harsh to touch in order to give the proper texture for the coat to form a frill of profuse, spreading straight hairs.

Pomeranian grooming for a showing will obviously be more work than if you are grooming your dog simply as a pet.

Because I’m not a breeder and I do not show my poms, it would be better to seek advice from your breeder or kennel club to find out how much grooming you would need to do to keep the coat at a show standard.

For the average pomeranian pet owner who wants to groom their own dog, then what you need is a good brush with natural bristles and a fine slicker brush or comb for the head, ear, and skirts.

Pomeranian Grooming Is Important

I brush my pom every day for about 5 minutes. Once on the weekend, I give her a partial bath and a good brush.

This is a personal thing and everyone has the right to do it whenever they wish. So long as you don’t let your poms fur get knotty or tangled.

I always brush away or against the coat and then use a fine-tooth comb on her neck and skirts. I lie on her back on my knee to brush her underside. It is very important to get your dog used to be brushed from an early age.

This is for a couple of reasons. One is that it is important for regular brushing so as the coat doesn’t get knotted and tangled and two is because you don’t want the dog to become upset and distressed every time.

You want it to be a normal part of life for you and your pom. I do not bathe my pom very often. Again, this depends on whether you show your dog or not.

If your dog is not dirty, then it doesn’t need a bath. Bathing any type of dog too often can dry up the natural oils in their coat and can also lead to their skin becoming dry and itchy. You can, however, give partial baths if you wish.

These can be done a couple of times a week. I only do it once a week. Just use a warm, damp washcloth with a bar of mild soap and rinse with a clean wet washcloth.

Bathe can be very helpful with keeping the anus and the area around the penis clean and keeping the smell of urine to a minimum. During pomeranian grooming, it is also best if you trim around the anus to help keep that area clean.

Trimming around the ears can also be done if you wish. Occasionally, the pom needs his eyes wiped. You can use cotton wool with cooled boiled water. You should also clean the pom’s ears using moist cotton wool but never cotton buds!

If you are someone who doesn’t want to do your own pomeranian grooming, there is always the option of taking your pomeranian to a groomer. However, you would still have to brush your dog regularly.

I also prefer to clip my own dogs’ nails and trim their feet. Pomeranian grooming should also include the trimming of fur on their paws as they should take on the appearance of ‘cat-like paws’. Don’t forget to include trimming the fur under their paws, in between the pads.

For all of this, you need good nail clippers and round-ended scissors. You can buy these from your local pet shop or vets.

Not everyone is comfortable with clipping their dogs’ nails. If you do decide to do it yourself, remember to cut only the dead tip and not the quick. Cutting the quick will result in unnecessary pain and profuse bleeding.

As I have mentioned already, I do not show my dogs so I accept that if you are showing your dogs, you will groom differently, but if your pom is just your beloved companion and nothing more, then my grooming pomeranian tips are more than acceptable.

Always keep in mind that not just good grooming makes a great coat but good health and breeding play a big part. Make sure your pomeranian has a good healthy diet with plenty of clean freshwaters, exercise, and lots of love and attention.

These are all important factors in pomeranian grooming. For some elderly or disabled people, in particular, clipping their dog all over is an option.

I certainly do not recommend this for everyone else as I feel it is just not right to have a pom with a clipped coat. 

However, if it means losing their beloved little companion because they cannot keep up the grooming then it is best to clip. Unnesseccary separation for both parties would be a tragedy.

Pomeranian Training

Pomeranian Training

Now that you have your new bundle of joy, you will need to do some pomeranian training.

First off will be your pom’s name. Once you have decided on a name, make sure you use it every time you want to teach him something. As this will get his attention first.

If you have ended up with an older dog, you may not need to do very much pomeranian training at all, if any. But, if you have a puppy, you will need to do a lot.

Being the proud owner of a pomeranian dog means your little ball of fluff should be an inside dog. So, it definitely needs to be house trained.

At times, your pomeranian training will be frustrating but with patience and perseverance, it will be most rewarding for both you and your dog.

Your most immediate start to training your Pomeranian. Especially if it is a puppy and needs house training.

It is important to take your puppy outside to the same spot initially to go to the toilet. It should be on average about every 2 hours, during the day. e.g.

  • *As soon as he wakes up.
  • *Before and after playing or getting excited.
  • *After meals.
  • *After sleeping.
  • *Before retiring at night.

Pomeranian training should always be done with consistency. Reward your dog with lots of reassurance and praise.

You can use treats as a reward too but remember not to give too many, as you do not want your pom to become overweight.

Inside the house, I suggest you use sheets of newspaper on a particular spot in the kitchen or laundry, as these rooms usually have easy to clean floors. It must be somewhere your pom can get to quickly and easily when needed. 

When cleaning up the soiled newspaper, leave one of the bottom sheets to go on top of the new sheets so there will be a scent there for your dog. This will make it easier for him to remember where to go.

Pomeranian Punishing

Please expect little accidents from time to time whilst house training. Even though Pomeranians are very easy to train your puppy is still a baby. Just like human babies, they have accidents. Do not punish him for this.

Just keep up your training and praise him every time he does it right. You can fence off a part of the house so there will not be accidents on the carpet or furniture until your dog is fully trained.

Every time you take your pom outside to specifically go to the toilet, use one word for him to associate going to the toilet.

It can be anything you like as long as you consistently use the same word. With my darling Molly, I use the word wees. 

She is fully house trained and she lets me know when she needs to go outside. But, before retiring for the night, I let her out, and often she just sits and looks around, taking in the smells and views.

I then have to say “Molly, wee’s” and she goes and does it. This is also good for car traveling. Making toilet breaks easier and quicker. House training isn’t the only form of pomeranian training that your dog needs.

From the beginning, whether it is a pup or an adult that you have, you have to show who is the boss.

Dogs are pack animals and it is their nature to want to lead the pack. So, straight away, you have to instill your leadership. As the primary leader, you need to be the one to feed him, train him, and discipline him.

Dogs, in general, need to have one leader although they can have lots of other people who play an important role in their life.

In fact, they must have lots of other people in their life. No matter how much we love our pomeranian dogs, they are still dogs and must know their place. This is for everyone’s benefit.

Pomeranian training also includes grooming. Your pom will need regular brushing and it is important to teach your dog from the beginning to accept this.

He will need to learn to stand still while you brush and groom him. Other important pomeranian training will be for him to accept wearing a collar and lead.

You can start with putting a collar on and just leaving it for a while until he gets used to having it on.

Then you can introduce the lead. To have a well-behaved dog you must teach it to sit, stay and come.

This will not only make your dog well-liked but it could be a lifesaver if your pom is in a dangerous situation and you need him to quickly obey.

Of course, there are lots of tricks that you can teach your pom also. The Pomeranian dog will be only too pleased to learn lots of things for his beloved master. After all, he gets to have lots of praise and treats when he does!

Pomeranian training should be lots of fun for both you and your dog. This is such a good way for you both to get to know one another better.

If you want to show your pomeranian in the show ring, you will need to contact the kennel clubs and find out what procedures you need to know and what extra training you will need to do.

If your pom is just your beloved pet, then you will still want a well-trained companion. You can go to obedience classes if you wish.

These are also very good for socializing your dog with other dogs and humans. However, lots of owners train their dogs themselves.

Teacup Pomeranians

Teacup Pomeranians

I’ve added this page on teacup Pomeranians because of the interest in these extra small Pomeranians. 1 to 2 lbs weight for a dog is very small. Tiny pups like these sometimes happen by accident but normally are not bred to this size.

Responsible breeders do not intentionally breed to this size. These poms are much harder to look after because of their size. You need to be a lot gentler with them.

Most people who want a tiny pom, look for what they call toy Pomeranians or teacup poms. They don’t realize that this breed is already a toy breed! If bred to standard, they are already small enough.

In the United Kingdom, the standard weight is 4 – 4.5 lbs for males and 4.5 – 5.5 lbs for females. As you will notice, the females are unusually larger than the males. This is unique in the dog world.

In the United States, the standard weight is between 3 and 7 lbs, but ideally, it is between 4 and 6 lbs.

Some breeders breed this size dog. But not a lot. You must take a chance when buying teacup Pomeranians.

You don’t always know how big they will grow too. In other words, you may still end up with a standard pom anyway. 

These extra small dogs could cost you up to $600 or Rs 50,000 with no guarantee of what you will end up with. Just remember, Pomeranians are already toy dogs and are already tiny.

Pomeranian Rescues

Pomeranian Rescues

Not all prospective pom owners decide on a puppy, some prefer to give a home to pomeranian rescues or pomeranian adoptions.

This can be for many reasons. Some people prefer pomeranian rescues or pomeranian adoptions because they want to help a pom dog that has been abandoned for whatever reason.

Just because pom rescues or pom adoptions are mainly older dogs (not always), it doesn’t mean it will be easier as they can come with their own set of problems. Some may have been neglected and require health care and extra TLC.

There are many reasons why these dogs require a new home. It could be that their elderly owners cannot care for them anymore or they have passed away and their beloved companion has been left alone. Maybe their owners have had to relocate and cannot take their dog with them.

It is sad to say that sometimes they may have been mistreated and have been taken from their owners.

They could have been dumped or maybe they have just been lost and never been found by their owners.

Some have been rescued from a life of breeding and are now looking to just be loved and pampered as a dog should be. Out of the 3 pom dogs that I have owned, 2 have been pomeranian rescues.

My first was a male named Prince, he was 8 years old. He was my grandmother. My grandmother passed away and Prince was left alone. He was extremely spoilt and loved very much. My mother and I took him in and quickly fell in love with him.

Of course, our lifestyle was different from my grandmother’s. So Prince had some adjusting to do but that is one of the great assets that the pomeranian dog has.

As much as they are devoted to their owner, and miss them very much, they adjust accordingly to their new situation when given lots of love and attention.

Prince passed away at the age of 11. My next pomeranian rescue was a 10 month old female named Holly. Her owners couldn’t keep her anymore and needed a good home for her. They returned her to the breeder they purchased her from.

Even though I fell in love with her from the beginning it took a little bit of patience on my part and lots of love and cuddles to finally win her over. But once I did she became my best friend!

By this stage, I had 2 sons and she blended in beautifully with my family. Unfortunately, she being a typical pomeranian, thought she was a big dog in a little dog’s body.

This leads her to always want to have a go at big dogs and one day she got through our back fence and within a minute she was killed by one of those big dogs.

That moment was one of the worst moments ever. I held her in my arms until my husband came home from work to bury her. I don’t think I stopped crying for a week. And that is no exaggeration.

I was devastated. I lost my beautiful little friend. The only thing that helped me was a new Pomeranian puppy. One that came from the same parents as Holly. That puppy is now my Molly who is 7 1/2 years old. So, I can recommend both pomeranian puppies or pomeranian rescues.

It is a personal choice. Compared with the UK and Australia, the US probably has the most pomeranian rescues or pomeranian adoptions. This is because the breed is much stronger in numbers in the US.

If you do take on a senior dog be aware that they may have sight/hearing problems, they may have bad teeth, or could be incontinent, all the things that happen to older dogs. There may be none of these problems or maybe some.

You may choose an adult dog that has been house trained or you may have to train it yourself. Some pomeranian rescues are also puppies but mainly older dogs.

No matter what you end up with, you will be glad you own a pomeranian. Pomeranian rescues or pomeranian adoptions can be from animal shelters, breeders, vets or friends, and family.

If you choose a pomeranian from an animal shelter or breeder, they are usually already vet checked, immunized, and doctored. Not all are house trained. Some are even trained out of bad habits such as yapping unnecessarily.

I have found a great website called petfinder.com The site showcase a lot of dog rescues from around the world. So you should be able to find one in your city/country.

However, you may have to wait a while for a pomeranian as they tend to have small litters and there is often a waiting list for breeders let alone rescues.

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