Top 10 Strange Planets in the Universe

Strange Planets in the Universe:-Science in the field of aerospace research unveiled many mysteries but many are still waiting for explanations from science.

One of the reasons for answering the queries in respect to the mysteries in space is unattended due to the size and volume of the macrocosm or universe.

It is 10 billion light-years in diameter beyond imagination and you will be wondered to know that it is ever-increasing from its creation from the Big Bang occurred sometimes 13 billion years ago.

It is also unknown what is beyond the cosmos or universe. The scientists explored many exoplanets that orbit the star outside the solar system.

Interestingly some of them behave mysteriously against established scientific theories and scientists have no explanation for such odd behavior until such time. 10 such planets are described below.

Strange Planets in the Universe

10. At War Siblings (Kepler-36b and 36c)

At War Siblings Kepler 36b and 36c

The general theory of planetary motion is that the planets orbit the same host star in different orbits. But the Kepler–36b and 36c are two exoplanets1,200 light-years away from the earth, hosting the same star while having almost the same orbit and it is against the existing theory.

They come as close as 1,900,000 km every 97 days, which has no explanation from science till today and is identified as mysterious.

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9. Planet with Retrograde Orbit (WASP-17b)

Retrograde Orbit Planet WASP 17b

It is an extraordinarily rare and mysterious planet orbiting the star WASP–17 of the Scorpius constellation situated about 1,300 light-years from the earth.

On 11th August, after its discovery, the scientists were amazed observing that the planet WASP–17b is rotating its host star WASP–17 just in opposite direction to that of the established laws of planetary motion.

Since then the scientists were keeping a close watch on it to find out the exact reason for its retrograde orbit but no satisfactory results have come yet.

8. The Doomed Planet (Kepler-432b)

The Doomed Planet

The extremely rare planet, similar in size to Jupiter was discovered in 2015. The planet is mysterious because the planet along with its host star Kepler–432 both will be doomed.

Not only that notable fact is that scientists have calculated that the exoplanet Kepler–432b will be consumed by its host star Kepler–432 in the next 200 million years.

According to the research, the radius of the host star is expanding quickly result in the planet’s burst and crashed into the host star.

7. The Darkest Planet (TrES-2b)

Darkest Planet

This extrasolar planet reflects less than 1% of the light that hits it. It is about 750 light-years from the earth, orbiting the host star GSC 03549-02811.

TrES–2b is mysteriously coal-black identified in 2011. Science can’t explain why the planet absorbs so much light.

6. Lava Planet (55 Cancrie)

Lava Planet

The mysterious planet is only 40 light-years from the earth and was discovered by NASA. First, it was thought by NASA scientists that the planet is a water world but later it appears to be a diamond or graphite.

Recent researches revealed that the exoplanet is covered with lava and the temperature of the side facing its host star is 25000 C and the other dark side is 10000 C.

5. The Evaporating Planet (KELT-9b)

The Evaporating Planet

Have you ever heard that a planet is evaporating? Yes, the scientists found that Kelt–9b, 650 light-years from the Earth has a daytime temperature of 43000 C which is 11000 C cooler than the Sun surface temperature.

Moreover, its host star Kelt–9 is radiating an enormous amount of ultraviolet rays that the star is getting vaporized.

4. Raining Glass Planet (HD 189773b)

Raining Glass Planet

The Earth-like blue planet HD 189773b is too hot and its temperature is about 11000 C. The atmosphere of the planet is gaseous and with an extreme wind speed of 4500 mph.

The weird planet is not comparable with the Earth in any way because the deadly planet rains molten gas with the same wind speed.

3. The Loneliest Planets (J2126) or (PSO J318.5-22)

The Loneliest Planet

All planets revolve around their parent star due to gravitational force. The planet J2126 is no exception to this rule, it is revolving the host star TYC 9486-927-1.

The parent star and the planet are unbelievably 1 trillion kilometers apart from each other. The solar system of this planet is the largest one that has ever been discovered.

The planet J2126 has become the loneliest planet identified till today. The planet is a huge gaseous ball and 12 times bigger than that of Jupiter.

There is another planet J318.5-22 that has similar nature to that of J2126. To date, science couldn’t find anything new about this huge gaseous planet due to its long distance from the parent star.

2. The Wobbly Planet (Kepler-413b)

Wobbly Planet

The planet is far from the Earth, it is about 2300 light-years away. It belongs to the Cygnus constellation.

The most unstable and unsteady planet was discovered by NASA’s Kepler space telescope. Interestingly, the planet is orbiting a pair of host stars in 66 days, one of the parent stars is orange and another one is a red dwarf.

The planet dips in brightness when it crosses the parent stars. This happens normally in a regular pattern. But Kepler-413b behaves strangely.

During an observatory period of 1500 days, the planet transits the host stars three times in the first 180 days (considering 66 days for one transit).

Amazingly there was no transit during next the 800 days. After that five transits happened in a row. This is a crazy motion that can’t be explained through Kepler’s laws of planetary motion.

1. Water Planet (GJ1214b)

The Water Planet

The weirdest planet that is ever found in the cosmos is the planet GJ1214b belongs to the Ophiuchus constellation situated 42 light-years from the Earth, discovered in December 2009.

The planet has 6 to 7 times more mass than that of the Earth and its radius is 2.7 times larger than that of the Earth.

According to the research, the planet is made up of more water and fewer rocks or solid mass. That is why it is nicknamed Water Planet. It could have substances like superfluid water or hot ice.

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