Types of Bears Species in the World

Types of Bears:- Inhabiting broad geographies, bears possess intelligence with long memories, binocular eyesight like humans, keen hearing like dogs, and an acute sense of smell, thus, enabling them to locate berries, fish, or travel great distances.

As isolationists, bears only tolerate others when food is abundant while respecting a dominance hierarchy.

Bears are exploited as dancers (Europe, Turkey, Asia,) for bear-baiting (Pakistan,) or their body parts teeth/claws trinkets, Asian medicine from gall bladders, or other food delicacies.

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Types of Bears Species

1. Black Bears

Black Bears

The very first and common bears species in the world is the black bear. Once widely spread across the North American continent, Black Bears inhabit predominantly Rocky Mountain woodlands with abundant growth.

Adults are about 3 feet high and usually weigh 135-350 pounds as adults. However, in Northern Wisconsin, they may weigh over 800 pounds according to a Radisson Wisconsin resident.

Its black coat is smooth and shorthaired in colors of chocolate-brown, cinnamon, and silver-gray to off-white.

Black bears are smaller, agile climbers, and alert, with keen noses, sharper hearing, but only average eyesight.

These omnivores eat berries, mushrooms, and acorns supplementing carrion, grubs, and ants for protein.

2. Grizzly Bears

Grizzly Bears

Another added to the list of types of bear species in the world is the Grizzly Bears. The “grizzled” appearance (long outer guard hairs with white-silver tips) gives Grizzly Bears their name.

Although massive, weighing up to 1500 lbs, Grizzlies can reach speeds of 35 mph powered by a large muscular hump above their shoulders and mighty forelimbs.

Their fur may be blonde, brown, black, or combined. Once native to Asia, Africa, Europe, and North America, their habitat is 2% of its original and chiefly restricted to the Canadian Rockies and Alaska.

3. Koala Bears

Koala Bears

Next queued in the list of types of bears species in the world is Koala bears. These bears are one of the cutest bears species in the world.

They have little gray bears with small eyes, prominent beaklike noses, tufted ears, and stumpy tails are Australian marsupials.

Pouches hold food in their mouths and pouches in their bellies hold babies. Similar to a sloth, Koalas move slowly and spend their daytime sleeping among treetops.

A vegetarian, Koala dependently feeds on 12 species of eucalyptus (the only source of diet) and licks dirt to aid digestion. Loss of habitat chiefly threatens Koala bears.

4. Panda Bears

Panda Bears

Most of you have seen Panda Bear in an animated movie. They are lazy in nature and their eyes have a black shade background.

The Panda bear is one of the most lovable types of bears species in the world. The Panda bear species comes in the category of endangered animals. Its diet is bamboo, so the loss of habitat is a major threat.

Without Bamboo and the ability to eat it all day long, Pandas will starve. Chinese wrote about Pandas 3,000 years ago.

They thought Pandas had magical powers against bad doings. Although Chinese Emperors kept Pandas as pets, they were unknown to the Western World until 1869.

5. Polar Bears

Types of Bears

Polar bears are one of the best bear species in the world. They are icons of the Arctic, and one of the best bear species that everyone wishes to see on their trips.

If we have to categorize types of bears species as per their look then the Polar bears would be the first bear species to get enrolled in the list.

Snow or earthen dens, adaptive fur, and blubber protect carnivorous polar bears from drastic Arctic temperatures.

Only 1/3 of their time is spent hunting food, such as seals, whales, walruses, and fish. Their steady, lumbering walk reaches speeds of 3.4 mph; they run nearly 25 mph (short distances;) they powerfully swim for several hours.

Their eyesight and hearing are similar to those of men. Chemical spills, starvation, parasites, and slow reproductive maturity threaten their survival.

6. Red Pandas

Red Pandas

These raccoon-appearing Southern Asian natives, Red Pandas, spend most of their day curled up in rest.

On forested mountain slopes, they eat mainly bamboo supplemented with acorns, roots, berries, lichens, occasionally eggs, and young birds.

Except for time with mother and cub or mates, they are solitary. Slow and lumbering on the ground, red pandas demonstrate remarkable agility in trees.

This endangered species live from 12-14 years reaching body lengths of 50-63 cm, and weights of 4-6 kg.

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