Poisonous Spiders:- There are many species of spiders some residing underground, on plants, on rocks, and even in our homes.
Spiders produce venom, which may cause untold suffering to the person who is bitten. With sufficient venom dose, some spider bites can be lethal.
It is therefore important to know the species of spiders that are very deadly because you can reside with them in your house or encounter them at your home garden putting you and your family at risk.
Here is a carefully drafted list of the top 10 most poisonous spiders in the world.
Most Poisonous Spiders in the World
10. Yellow Sac Spider

As the name sounds, this spider has in its anatomy a bright yellow sac. Of all the poisonous spiders in our list of top 10 most poisonous spiders in the world, this is the least venomous.
These spiders make drag-line webs that are less dense and can easily be removed by vacuuming or swept by a broom.
Luckily, this spider species does not like human presence and so will rarely come close enough to bite unless provoked.
The importance of the Yellow Sac Spider arises from the fact that its bite is associated with Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).
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9. Chinese Bird Spiders

Native to the People’s Republic of China and Vietnam, this tarantula deserves mention in our list of the world’s most venomous spiders.
They are known as cave tigers because they rule the ground in caves waiting to pounce on any potential prey that comes the way.
Humans can be bitten when they come close to the habitat of Chinese bird spiders as may occur when cultivating or prepared grounds for planting.
Its venom is powerful and can cause paralysis of the muscles surrounding the bite sites. It is lethal in small doses if administered on small animals.
8. The Fringed Ornamental Tarantula

This tropical spider species is another highly venomous arachnid the world has to offer. Fringed Ornamental Tarantula is found mostly in the tropics and its bite has been associated with coma, not to mention severe pain and risk of infection of the bite wound.
Not much has been deciphered concerning the venomosity but experts agree that fringed ornamental tarantula is potentially deadly and must be avoided at all costs.
7. The Wolf Spider

Several species of wolf spiders are found in Europe and the Americas. The wolf spider is typically hairy, gray, or brown in color with distinct strip-like markings on its back.
The most fascinating feature of this spider is the arrangement of its eyes. The bottom row of its face has four rows of small eyes, two large eyes in the middle row, and two medium-sized eyes on the top.
These spiders do not make webs. Instead, they hunt in groups. Although they are poisonous, their venom is not lethal. They only attack when provoked.
6. Mouse Spider

These spiders are native to Australia. The male mouse spiders have a black body with redheads and jaws while the female is black all through.
This spider is considered very poisonous but rarely causes wet bites (those injecting venom). However, if the mouse spider injects its venom in a bite, the outcome is potentially lethal to humans unless there is emergency medical assistance.
5. Chilean and Brown Recluse Spiders

These two species share the majority of characteristics including habitat and the potency of their venom.
They are some of the most dangerous spiders in the world. However, thank heavens for the fact that they recluse meaning they like hiding. Furthermore, they have very small fangs that are not capable of penetrating the clothing to reach your skin.
If bitten, the venom causes immediate inflammation and necrosis of the surrounding tissues. This may turn gangrenous if nothing is done to reverse the effects of the venom.
4. Black Widow Spider

One of the most common and strangest spiders in the world is the black widow spider. It is known to be one of the most poisonous spiders in the world. Even more interesting is the fact that it eats its partner after sex.
The bite of the black widow spider causes a condition referred to as Lactrodectism characterized by muscle spasms and at times temporary muscle or brain paralysis. Without anti-venom, a bite by a black widow spider is a death sentence.
3. Sydney Funnel-Web Spider

Sydney Funnel-Web is one of the deadliest spider species ever known to man. These spiders are very daring and are unlikely to give up a fight when provoked.
Their bites are wet meaning that they will more likely deliver venom with each bite. They also have the tendency to strike multiple times injecting a high volume of their venom in an attack.
Their venom has a compound known as batrachotoxin, which is deadly to all primates including humans.
2. Six-Eyed Sand Spider

This cousin of the recluses is found in parts of Africa and South Asia and the potency of its venom is several times that of the brown recluse.
The good news is that this highly venomous spider in the world lives in areas far from humans.
The spider causes localized necrosis and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) – a disorder characterized by the development of clots throughout the body, bleeding from all orifices of the body, and death.
1. Brazilian Wondering Spider

The Brazilian wandering spider is, without a doubt, the most poisonous spider in the world (Guinness World Records 2010). It has earned this reputation because of the potency of its venom but the nature of toxicities it causes.
The venom of this spider is a neurotoxin, which affects the nervous system leading to breathing difficulties, asphyxia, and death.
The toxin also causes a constant painful erection, which can last for hours to days (a condition referred to as priapism). If not treated, priapism could lead to impotence.
Thank you for making this interesting information available. I am not familiar with most of these spider species, but I did grow up where black widows were common. While black widows do have medically significant venom, their bites are very rarely a “death sentence”.
From Wikipedia: “In the United States each year, about 2,200 people report being bitten by a black widow, but most do not need medical treatment. Some bites have no venom injected—a “dry” bite. In the United States, no deaths due to black widows have been reported to the American Association of Poison Control Centers since 1983.[29] Black widows are not especially aggressive spiders, and they rarely bite humans unless startled or otherwise threatened.[30]
“Contrary to popular belief, most people who are bitten suffer no serious damage, let alone death. Fatal bites were reported in the early 20th century mostly with Latrodectus tredecimguttatus, the Mediterranean black widow.[31]”
Please consider updating the black widow section of this page.