Top 10 Macaws Birds Species

Macaws Birds:- Of 19 listed macaw species, two are extinct, eleven are endangered, and seven are threatened.

They are historically held captive for their extraordinary flamboyant color and intriguing personalities.

Purchasing a macaw as a pet should not be a matter considered lightly. Their longevity, specialized diet, spatial needs, temperament, handling, and health plus your lifestyle require careful consideration before purchasing.

Given a healthy diet, allowed freedom from their cage, and given lots of attention, macaws make lifelong bonded companions.

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Macaws Birds Species

Blue and Gold Macaw

Tropical Birds

One of the largest South American Macaws, Blue and Gold Macaws are 32-35 inches in length with a wingspan of 41-45 inches and weigh approximately 900-1200 grams.

These brilliantly colored parrots are extremely intelligent and sociable companions. These inquisitive and playful birds commonly have very large vocabularies and most will interact well with family members. It is steady in temperament and is one of the most popular of the macaw species.

Catalina Macaws

Catalina Macaws

Catalina Macaws appeared as the result of crossbreeding of Scarlet Macaws with Blue and Gold Macaws.

These parrots are very large and very noisy. It is very important for potential owners to learn as much as possible about these birds because improper socialization can result in destructive behavior.

Catalina Macaws are brightly colored, and this makes them popular among pet lovers. These birds can be found in Mexico and South America.

Green Winged Macaw


Green-winged Macaws grow approximately 3 feet long weighing 3.5 pounds. They live for 70-90 years.

Green wings are mostly red, with blue and green wings, blue tails, and gray legs very similar to Scarlet Macaws.

Somewhat shy birds possessing sharp hearing and eyesight, they are difficult to spot in native Central/South American forests.

In pairs or small groups, they eat nuts, fruit, berries, seeds, and some toxic plants neutralized by ingested river clay. Excellent talkers, they rarely mimic.

Hahn’s Macaws

Hahn's Macaws

Hahn’s Macaws are smaller than other Macaws, and they reach 13 inches in length. They can be found in eastern South America, particularly in the tropical woods north of the Amazon of Brazil. Hahn’s Macaws have bright green plumage with red feathers under the wings.

The face is bare, featuring tiny black feathers, and there is a distinctive blue crown on top of the head and on the forehead. Hahn’s Macaws are easy-going and sociable.

Harlequin Macaw

Macaws Birds

The Harlequin Macaw was developed by crossbreeding a Green Wing Macaw with a Gold and Blue Macaw.

They are often confused with Catalina Macaws, because they have similar color patterns, but Harlequins appear to be slightly bigger than Catalinas.

They have red-orange chests, green or bluish wings, and big heads with a green top. Harlequin Macaws are very good-tempered, and they possess the laid-back nature of Greens and the playfulness of Blues and Golds.

Hyacinth Macaws


Hyacinth macaws are rich cobalt blue with deep golden-colored eye rings and pre-jaw and are dark gray underneath flight wings and tail feathers.

Their huge, gray-black bill deeply curves down into a sharp point adapted for consuming hard nuts. Hyacinths weigh 2.5-lbs, reach 40-inches and live 60+ years.

These rare Brazil/Bolivia Pantanal native birds nest in Maduvi trees and cliff-sides residing in small groups and mate lifelong. Vocalizations are lower frequency than other macaws.



From South and Central America and a few Caribbean islands came these large, typically brightly colored parrots that have large beaks and long tails.

Natively, the most spectacular places to see macaws are clay licks, clay cliffs, often at a riverside, visited by macaws and other parrots at dawn in order to eat this clay.

They believed they eat this to protect their guts from the effect of poisonous seeds they eat or for trace minerals.

Scarlet Macaw

Scarlet Macaw

Scarlet Macaws are large in size, reaching 34-36 cm in length. Like all other Macaws, they are brightly colored and easy-going.

However, these Macaws can be possessive about their owners and wary of strangers. If mistreated, they can display aggression and fear of their masters, and they are vulnerable to dramatic changes in the environment.

Scarlet Macaws are red, with yellow upper wing and blue rump, horn upper and black lower mandible, and pinkish face.

Yellow Collared Macaw

Yellow Collared Macaw

Yellow Collared Macaws inhabit areas with different conditions, and they can be found in forests and agricultural lands of Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay, and north-east Bolivia.

The primary color is green, and there is a yellow collar-shaped strip on the back of the neck, and the forehead, crown, and lower cheeks are brown.

The body is up to 15 inches long. These parrots feed on seeds, nuts, or pelleted foods. There are no visible sex differences.

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