Top 15 Tropical Birds Species

Tropical birds are species that are native to tropical geographical areas such as West Indies, South, and Central America, Africa, New Guinea, Madagascar, Comoro Islands, Sumatra, Malaysia, India, Ceylon, Burma, Thailand, and Indo China.

They are typically exotic in appearance, coloration, and dwelling habits. Their feeding and nesting preferences are as varied as the environments in which they live. Many tropical species are threatened because of international marketing and habitat loss.

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Tropical Birds Species

African Grey Parrot

African Grey Parrot

Like other equatorial birds, African Grey Parrots are used to a warm climate and abundant forests where they can feed upon delicious fruits and vegetables.

In captivity, foods such as mangoes, papaya, cantaloupes, fresh peppers, peanuts, and raspberries; kiwi, pineapple, and star fruit are suitable for your African Grey Parrot.

As a companion, this intelligent bird can learn as many as 1,000 words and combine them to describe his needs like a five-year-old child.

Blue and Gold Macaw

Tropical Birds

One of the largest South American Macaws, Blue and Gold Macaws are 32-35 inches in length with a wingspan of 41-45 inches and weigh approximately 900-1200 grams.

These brilliantly colored parrots are extremely intelligent and sociable companions. These inquisitive and playful birds commonly have very large vocabularies and most will interact well with family members. It is steady in temperament and is one of the most popular of the macaw species.

Blue Crown Conure


Originating from South America, Blue Crown Conures are considered one of the best Conure speakers having a large vocabulary.

These intelligent birds require lots of large cages, many toys, and perches for entertainment. Matching the Macaw’s liveliness and color, the blue crown, however, is smaller, easier to keep, and bonds to more than one owner.

Their affection is shown by mimics of an owner’s sounds such as laughter. “Paulie” from the movie was a Blue Crown Conure.

Blue Front Amazon

Blue Front Amazon

The South American regions of Southwestern Brazil, Paraguay, and Bolivia produce Blue Fronted Amazon, predominantly green birds with a yellow face, blue feathers around the beak and on the throat, and yellow and red patch on the shoulders.

Visually determining sex is not possible. This 15-inch vocal but quieter parrots are popular because they are good at talking. Proper socialization for males is required to avert potential spitefulness at sexual maturity.

Blue Headed Pionus Parrot


Originating in Central and South America, Blue Headed Pionus Parrots have unique characteristics: green body and bright blue head/neck with pink (sometimes) at the throat, red feathers under the short tail, a wheezing hissing asthma-like sound, and a book that appears overgrown.

The blue-headed parrot’s sex is not visually detectable. They train well with simple commands. With a safe environment and good nutrition, it can live beyond 25 years.

Cape Parrot

Cape Parrot

A very rare Old World bird in the wild and captivity is the Cape Parrot. The only true Cape, Robustus (P.r.r), comes from South Africa does not exist in the US.

Since two family members, Suahelicus (P.r.s) or Grey-Headed Parrot from central southern Africa and the Fuscicollis (P.r.f) or Brown-necked Parrot from southwestern Africa have been reclassified. On the decline, their import is banned. Capes are gentle, medium-sized, very intelligent, and speak well.

Chaco Blue Fronted Amazon

Chaco Blue Fronted Amazon

Chaco Blue Fronted Amazons like the Blue Front Amazons have vivid green feathers slightly edged with black starting at the nape of the neck; however, the Chaco has more yellow than blue on the head and a vivid red alula.

It is not a good first pet; proper training can manage their aggressiveness. Moodiness may occur during adult breeding cycles. Noisy, affectionate, and talkative (Amazon top 3rd;) they will live to entertain beyond 30 years.

Double Yellow Headed Amazon

Double Yellow Headed Amazon

Outgoing, comical, and bold, the Double Yellow Headed Amazon is not only smart and brightly colored but is a great talking bird. Their song ranges from simple nursery rhymes to opera.

Eager to please, they respond well to praise and appreciation, however, their willful nature requires an owner with a strong character.

One of the largest of the Amazon parrots, its natural range is along the Pacific slope of central Mexico to the Yucatan Peninsula.

Dusky Pionus parrot

Dusky Pionus parrot

Slightly darker in color and smaller than Amazons, the Dusky Pionus parrot may be considered by some to be rather drab in comparison, but are attractive in appearances like a falcon or hawk.

A short, squarish tail, a prominent ring about the eye, and a distinctive notch in the upper mandible characterize them. They are less temperamental and will learn simple tricks. The average lifespan is 25 years (to 40 in captivity.) Wing clipping is recommended.

Eclectus parrot


Vibrantly colored Eclectus parrots originated from the South Pacific. Adept at flying, they also climb trees well with beaks and feet. These noisy sociable birds gather in large flocks. Adventuresome (not shy,) they make good pets.

They are excellent talkers and mimics of favorite sounds. Males present bright glossy green feathers highlighting red flashings on sides and under-wings. Somewhat smaller females display vivid redheads, throats, and wings contrasting vibrant blue chest and purple under-wings.

Festive Amazon


The placement of color helps to distinguish Amazon parrots apart, for example, the Festive Amazon has a reddish-maroon color on the head.

Festive Amazons like other Amazons are popular companion birds and referred to as high-energy, opinionated rascals.

They are beautiful, intelligent parrots with excellent abilities to mimic human voices, sounds, and songs. As their name implies, they come from the Amazon River and tributary regions of South America. Their lifespan is approximately 30 years.



These unmistakably pink, long-legged, web-footed, noisy birds are natives of the Caribbean, Central America, South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia, but not North America.

There are several flamingo species: Greater, Lesser, Caribbean, Andean, Chilean, and James (at one time thought to be extinct.)

It is interesting to note that their eyes are larger than their brains and that they get their pink color from carotene derived from their food: shrimp, algae, insects, and diatoms.

Lilac Crowned Amazon


Lilac Crowned Amazons are very popular as pets, as they are good talkers and great in a family environment.

When raised from a baby they can develop quite a vocabulary, but wild-caught birds are almost impossible to teach to talk. Their beautiful lilac-colored crowns intensify as they get older.

Orange-winged Amazon


The Orange-winged Amazon has a green body, yellow face, blue feathers around the beak, and orange on the wing. Natively, these medium-sized birds live in the Amazon forests using their green feathers as camouflage from predators.

They move in large flocks in search of ripe fruits and nuts. As popular pets, they are affectionate and speak well. They can be noisy and males can become mean at sexual maturity if not properly trained.

Yellow Naped Amazon


Yellow Naped Amazons can be found in Mexico, Latin, and Central America, and the northern regions of South America.

They have distinctive yellow patches on the neck, which can vary in size. Some species do not have them at all. The primary color is green, with occasional yellow markings.

These parrots are very trainable and sociable, and outbreaks of aggression are possible during breeding periods. These birds are among the three most talkative species on earth.

Yellow Shouldered Amazon


The Yellow Shouldered Amazon is a social parrot that congregates in flocks of 8-80 but is basically shy as it nests in hollow trees or clefts in the rocky cliffs. They dine on fruit including cactus fruit.

They are basically green with dusky black on feathers’ edges, with white and yellow around the eyes, and yellow splashed on the shoulders and thighs. Their wings have a red stripe and the outer edges grade to violet-blue.

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